Working Papers
Insights from Machine Learning for Evaluating Production Function Estimators on Manufacturing Survey Data
Estimating Stochastic Production Frontiers: A One-stage Multivariate Semi-Nonparametric Bayesian Concave Regression Method
Shape Constrained Kernel-weighted Least Squares: Application to production function estimation for Chilean manufacturing industries
Shape Constraints in Economics and Operations Research
Spline Model for Wake Effect Analysis: Characteristics of Single Wake and Its Impacts on Wind Turbine Power Generation
Warehouse Design and Management
De Koster, R., A.L. Johnson, and D. Roy 2017. International Journal of Production Research 55(21): 6327-6330. (Invited)
DEAにおける近年の研究動向と応用 (Recent Research and Applications in DEA)
Johnson, A.L. 2017. オペレーションズ・リサーチ (Communications of Operations Research Society of Japan) 62(7): 404-410. (Invited)
Modeling joint production of multiple outputs in StoNED: Directional distance function approach
Kuosmanen, T. and A.L. Johnson, 2017. European Journal of Operational Research 262(2): 792-801.
A Production Economics Analysis for Quantifying the Efficiency of Wind Turbines
Order batching in a bucket brigade order picking system considering picker blocking
Hong, S., A.L. Johnson, and B.A. Peters, 2016. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 28(3): 425-441.
Effective production: measuring of the sales effect using data envelopment analysis
Quantifying picker blocking in a bucket brigade order picking system
Hong, S., A.L. Johnson, and B.A. Peters, 2015. International Journal of Production Economics 170: 862-873.
Modeling Dependence in Health Behaviors
Pope, B., A. Deshmukh, A.L. Johnson, and J.J. Rohack, 2015. IIE Transactions. 47(10): 1112-1121.
A Birth-Death Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method to Estimate the Number of States in a State-Contingent Production Frontier Model
Preciado Arreola, J.L. and A.L. Johnson, 2015. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 97(4): 1267-1285.
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Measuring Efficiency in Imperfectly Competitive Markets: An Example of Rational Inefficiency
A Nonparametric Method to Estimate a Technical Change Effect on Marginal Abatement Costs of U.S. Coal Power Plants
Mekaroonreung, M. and A.L. Johnson, 2014. Energy Economics 46: 45-55.
Multilateral Contracting and Prevention
Pope, B., A. Deshmukh, A.L. Johnson, and J.J. Rohack, 2014. Health Economics 23(4): 397-409.
The Nuclear Medicine Production and Delivery Problem
Lee, J., B.-I. Kim , A.L. Johnson, and K. Lee, 2014. European Journal of Operational Research 236: 461-472.
Dynamic Efficiency Assessment: The State of the Art
Saeideh Fallah-Fini, Kostas Triantis, and A.L. Johnson, 2014. Journal of Productivity Analysis 41(1): 51-67.
Proactive Data Envelopment Analysis: Effective Production and Capacity Expansion in Stochastic Environments
Lee, C-Y. and A.L. Johnson, 2014. European Journal of Operational Research 232(1):537-548.
Nonparametric Measurement of Productivity and Efficiency in Education
Johnson, A.L. and J. Ruggiero, 2014. Annals of Operations Research 221(1): 197-210.
Returns to Scope: A Metric for Production Synergies Demonstrated for Hospital Production
A Note on Picker Blocking Models in Parallel-Aisle Picking Systems
Hong, S., A.L. Johnson, and B.A. Peters, 2013. IIE Transactions 45(12):1345-1355.
A two-dimensional bin packing problem with size changable itmes for the production of wind turbine flanges in the open die forging industry
A More Efficient Algorithm for Convex Nonparametric Least Squares
Lee, C.-Y., A.L. Johnson, E.Moreno-Centeno, and T. Kuosmanen, 2013. European Journal of Operational Research 227(2):391-400.
An augmented large neighborhood search method for solving the team orienteering problem
Kim, B.-I., H. Li and A.L. Johnson, 2013. Expert Systems with Applications 40(8): 3065-3072.
Batch Picking in Narrow-Aisle Order Picking Systems with Consideration for Picker Blocking
Hong, S., A.L. Johnson, and B.A. Peters, 2012. European Journal of Operational Research 221(3): 557-570.
One-Stage and Two-stage DEA Estimation of the Effects of Contextual Variables
Johnson, A.L. and T. Kuosmanen, 2012. European Journal of Operational Research.220(2): 559-570.
Estimating the Shadow Prices of SO2 and NOx for U.S. Coal Power Plants: A Convex Nonparametric Least Squares Approach
Mekaroonreung, M. and A.L. Johnson, 2012. Energy Economics 34(3): 723-732.
Large-scale Order Batching in Parallel-Aisle Picking Systems
Hong, S.*, A.L. Johnson, and B.A. Peters, 2012. IIE Transaction.44(4): 88-106.
Two-dimensional Efficiency Decomposition to Measure the Demand Effect in Productivity Analysis
Measuring Technical Efficiency in Sports
Collier, T., A.L. Johnson, and J. Ruggiero, 2011. Journal of Sports Economics 12(6): 579-598.
Guidelines for Using Variable Selection Techniques in Data Envelopment Analysis
Nataraja, N.R. and A.L. Johnson, 2011. European Journal of Operational Research. 215: 662-669.
One-stage Estimation of the Effects of Operational Condiitions and Practices on Productive Performance: Asymptotically Normal and Efficient, Root-N Consistent StoNEZD Method
Johnson, A.L. and T. Kuosmanen, 2011. Journal of Productivity Analysis 36(2): 219-230.
Allocative Efficiency Measurement with Endogenous Prices
Johnson, A.L. and J. Ruggiero, 2011. Economic Letters 111(2): 81-83.
Optimizing the Location of Crossovers in Conveyor-based Automated Material Handling Systems in Semiconductor Wafer Fabs
Hong S., A.L. Johnson, H. Carlo, D. Nazzal, and J.A. Jimenez, 2011. International Journal of Production Research 49(20): 6199-6226.
Technical Efficiency Estimation with Multiple Inputs and Multiple Outputs Using Regression Analysis
Collier, T., A.L. Johnson, and J. Ruggiero, 2011. European Journal of Operational Research 208(2): 153-160.
A Decomposition of Productivity Change in the Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry
Lee, C-Y. and A.L. Johnson, 2011. International Journal of Production Research 49(16): 4761-4785.
Performance Measurement in the Warehousing Industry
Johnson, A.L. and L.F. McGinnis,2011. IIE Transactions.43(3): 203-215.
Estimating the Effciiency of American Petroleum Refineries Under Varying Assumptions of the Disposability of Bad Outputs
Mekaroonreung, M. and A.L. Johnson, 2010. International Journal of Energy Sector Management 4(3): 356-398.
The Dynamics of Performance Space of Major League Baseball Pitchers 1876-2006
Chen, W-C. and A.L. Johnson, 2010. Annals of Operational Research 181(1): 287-302.
An Analytical Model for Conveyor-Based Material Handling System with Crossovers in Semiconductor Wafer Fabs
Nazzal, D., J.A. Jimenez, H.J. Carlo, A.L. Johnson, and V. Lasrado, 2010. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 23(3): 468-476.
Larege-scale Internet Benchmarking: Technolgoy and Application in Warehousing Operations
Johnson, A. L., W.-C. Chen and L. F. McGinnis, 2010. Computers in Industry 61:280-286.
Three Stage DEA Models for Incorporating Exogenous Inputs
Estella, S., A.L. Johnson, and J. Ruggiero, 2010. Computers and Operations Research 37(6): 1087-1090.
A Unified Model for Detecting Efficient and Inefficient Outliers in Data Envelopment Analysis
Chen, W-C. and A.L. Johnson, 2010. Computers and Operations Research 37 (2): 417-425.
Data Envelopment Analysis as Nonparametric Least Squares Regression
Kuosmanen, T. and A.L. Johnson, 2010. Operations Research 58(1): 149-160.
The Hyperbolic Oriented Efficiency Measure as a Remedy to Infeasibility of Super Efficiency Models
Johnson, A.L. and L. F. McGinnis,2009. Journal of the Operational Research Society 60(11): 1511-1517.
Outlier Detection in Two-Stage Semiparametric DEA Models
Johnson, A.L. and L. F. McGinnis,2008. European Journal of Operational Research 187(2): 629-635.
Conference Preceedings / Book Chapters
Stochastic nonparametric approach to efficiency analysis: A unified framework
Kuosmanen, T., A.L. Johnson, and A. Saastamoinen, 2015, in J. Zhu (Eds) Handbook on Data Envelopment Analysis Vol II, Springer.
An introduction to CNLS and StoNED methods for efficiency analysis: computational aspects and formulations
Johnson, A.L. and T. Kuosmanen, 2015, in S. Ray, S. Kumbhakar, and P. Dua (Eds) Benchmarking for performance evaluation: A
frontier approach, Springer.
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Order Batching with Time Constraints in a Parallel-Aisle Warehouse: A Multiple-Policy Approach
Hong, S., A.L. Johnson, and B.A. Peters, 2014. To appear in Progress in Material Handling Research: Proceedings of 2014 International Material Handling Research Colloquium, eds. K.P. Ellis, K. Gue, R. de Koster, R. Meller, B. Montreuil, and M. Ogle.
US hospital performance: A dynamic network analysis
Johnson, A.L., B. Pope, and K. Tone, 2013. eds. K. Tone, Proceedings of the Workshop on Dynamic Network DEA 2013.
Healthcare Systems
A. Banerjee, and A.L. Johnson, M. Mekaroonreung, and B. Pope 2012. The Handbook of Industrial and Systems Engineering, ed. Adedeji B. Badiru.
Operational Efficiency
Lee, C-Y. and A.L. Johnson, 2012. The Handbook of Industrial and Systems Engineering, ed. Adedeji B. Badiru.
Aggression in Mixed Martial Arts: An Analysis of the Likelihood of Winning a Decision
Collier, T, A.L. Johnson, and J. Ruggiero, 2011. Violence and Aggression in Sporting Contests: Economics, History and Policy, eds. R. Todd Jewel, 2011.
Recently cited in the popular press,
Evaluating the Effect of Operational Conditions and Practices on Warehouse Performance
Johnson, A.L., 2010. Progress in Material Handling Research: Proceedings of 2010 International Material Handling Research Colloquium, eds. K.P. Ellis, K. Gue, R. de Koster, R. Meller, B. Montreuil, and M. Ogle.
Analysis of Picker Blocking in Narrow-Aisle Batch Picking
Hong S., A.L. Johnson, and B.A. Peters, 2010. To appear in Progress in Material Handling Research: Proceedings of 2010 International Material Handling Research Colloquium, eds. K.P. Ellis, K. Gue, R. de Koster, R. Meller, B. Montreuil, and M. Ogle.
A Greedy Heuristic for Locating Crossovers in Conveyor-based AMHS in Wafer Fabs
Johnson, A.L, H.J. Carlo, J.A. Jimenez, D. Nazzal, and V. Lasrado*, 2009. Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings.
An Analytical Model for Conveyor-Based AMHS in Semiconductor Wafer Fabs
Nazzal, D., A.L. Johnson, H.J. Carlo, and J.A. Jimenez, 2008. Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings.
Warehouse Benchmarking Results: A Comparison of Wholesale and Manufacturing Warehouses
Permanent Working Papers
The Effect of Performance Measurement Systems on Productive Performance: An Empirical Study of Italian Manufacturing Firms
Oh, H., A.L. Johnson, L. Lucianetti, and S. Youn 2015. Working Paper available at SSRN.