Demand effects on productivity


Demand effects on productivity

Effective production: measuring of the sales effect using data envelopment analysis
Lee, C-Y. and A.L. Johnson, 2015. Annals of Operations Research, 235(1): 453-486.

Measuring Efficiency in Imperfectly Competitive Markets: An Example of Rational Inefficiency
Lee, C-Y. and A.L. Johnson, 2015. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 164(2): 702-722.

Two-dimensional Efficiency Decomposition to Measure the Demand Effect in Productivity Analysis
Lee, C-Y. and A.L. Johnson, 2012. European Journal of Operational Research 216: 584-593.

Allocative Efficiency Measurement with Endogenous Prices
Johnson, A.L. and J. Ruggiero, 2011. Economic Letters 111(2): 81-83.