August 26 – Xiaofeng Dai Dissertation Defense – Aalto University – Helsinki, Finland


The Doctoral dissertation of M.Sc. Xiaofeng Dai in the field of Quantitative Methods of Economics and Management Science “Adapting image processing and clustering methods to productive efficiency analysis and benchmarking: A cross disciplinary approach” was publicly examined at the Aalto University School of Business on Friday, 26 August 2016. The defense of dissertation will be held in Chydenia building (address: Runeberginkatu 22-24, Helsinki, Finland), Stora Enso Hall (3rd floor) starting at 12 o’clock.

Opponent: Professor Andrew Johnson, Texas A&M University
Custos: Professor Timo Kuosmanen, Aalto University School of Business

Xiaofeng Dai comes from Beijing, where she currently works as Associate Professor of bioinformatics at Jiangnan University, China.

August 11 – Operations Research and Supply Chain Management Summer School – National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan


The summer workshop of Operations Research and Supply Chain Management (OR/SCM) is regularly held annually in Taiwan. This year was the 8th workshop since 2009. Typically three or four invited guest speakers will give us a 3 or 6-hour lecture about the cutting-edge research topics in OR or SCM. This year Andrew Johnson was one of the speakers and talked about, Production Function Estimation: An application of shape constrained functional estimation.

The list of the topics and guest speakers in 2014 and 2015 are summarized as follows:

The 6th workshop (2014)
Prof. Chung-Yee Lee (Dep. of IELM, HKUST)
Topic: Ocean container transport logistics: Making global supply chain effective
Prof. Loo Hay Lee (Dep. of ISE, NUS)
Topic: Simulation optimization and its application
Prof. Che-Lin Su (Booth School of Business, The University of Chicago)
Topic: Constrained optimization approaches to estimation of structural models: methods and applications
Prof. Ruey-Lin Sheu (Dep. of Math, NCKU)
Topic: From Farkas theorem to the S-lemma-Hidden convexity inside the nonconvex

The 7th workshop (2015)
Prof. Gangshu (George) CAI (Operations Management & Information Systems Department, Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University)
Title: Modeling Multichannel Supply Chain Competition with Marketing Mixes
Prof. Shih-Fen CHENG (School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University)
Title: Applied Game Theory: An Introduction for Business and Engineering Applications
Prof. Hsiao-Hui Lee (Faculty of Business and Economics, the University of Hong Kong)
Topic 1: Supply chain management using game theoretical models
Topic 2: Supply chain management using empirical models

August 1-5 – Hitotsubashi Summer Institute 2016 – Tokyo, Japan


The 2nd Annual Hitotsubashi Summer Institute will take place at Hitotsubashi University. The conference aims to present and discuss research in four general themes: International Trade and FDI, Economic Development, Macroeconomics and Econometrics, and The Economics of Service: Microfoundations, Measurement, and Productivity Policy.

August 3 and 4 will focus on The Economics of Service: Microfoundations, Measurement, and Productivity Policy and will be held jointly with The Third Asia KLEMS Database Management Workshop.

Preliminary Program

August 1 & 2 – Japan Project Meeting – Tokyo, Japan


Japan Project Meeting is jointly sponsored by the NBER, the Center for Advanced Research in Finance, the Center on Japanese Economy and Business, and the Australia-Japan Research Centre.

The meeting, organized by Shiro Armstrong, Charles Horioka, Takeo Hoshi, Tsutomu Watanabe, and David Weinstein, will be held at the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Kasumigaseki Building 8F, 3-2-5, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6008, Japan.


May 26-27 – Workshop on Setting a Broader Impact innovation Roadmap Investigators Supported by the Division of Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) within the Engineering Directorate at the National Science Foundation


This workshop brings together thought-leaders from the Civil, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering academic research communities to define a roadmap for Broader Impact innovations for CMMI. This 1.5-day workshop will include academic researcher leaders who have demonstrated innovation in Broader Impact activities, creating measurable economic, human capital, and societal value through their research. People in positions who can advance and promulgate the vision from this workshop will also be invited to participate and contribute to this effort. The output of this workshop will be a report and road map that outlines how new thinking on Broader Impact and institution initiatives can facilitate greater value for NSF investments, how to support panelists to identify, evaluate, and value innovative Broad Impact ideas, and how researchers can reposition their Broader Impact activities to provide a wider footprint of value for NSF investments.

May 16-20 – Nonparametric statistical inference under shape constraints Workshop – Edinburgh, Scotland


Nonparametric shape constraints, such as monotonicity, convexity or log-concavity, offer statisticians the potential of freedom from restrictive parametric assumptions, while still permitting fully automatic procedures. In this sense, they combine the best of both the parametric and nonparametric worlds. Fundamental statistical problems such as density estimation and regression problems will be treated, along with more exotic questions related to, for example, semiparametric inference.

Inference under shape constraints is a core area of statistical theory and methodology, but the methods often involve challenging optimisation problems and have important applications in many areas, including biology and econometrics.