August 11 – Operations Research and Supply Chain Management Summer School – National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan


The summer workshop of Operations Research and Supply Chain Management (OR/SCM) is regularly held annually in Taiwan. This year was the 8th workshop since 2009. Typically three or four invited guest speakers will give us a 3 or 6-hour lecture about the cutting-edge research topics in OR or SCM. This year Andrew Johnson was one of the speakers and talked about, Production Function Estimation: An application of shape constrained functional estimation.

The list of the topics and guest speakers in 2014 and 2015 are summarized as follows:

The 6th workshop (2014)
Prof. Chung-Yee Lee (Dep. of IELM, HKUST)
Topic: Ocean container transport logistics: Making global supply chain effective
Prof. Loo Hay Lee (Dep. of ISE, NUS)
Topic: Simulation optimization and its application
Prof. Che-Lin Su (Booth School of Business, The University of Chicago)
Topic: Constrained optimization approaches to estimation of structural models: methods and applications
Prof. Ruey-Lin Sheu (Dep. of Math, NCKU)
Topic: From Farkas theorem to the S-lemma-Hidden convexity inside the nonconvex

The 7th workshop (2015)
Prof. Gangshu (George) CAI (Operations Management & Information Systems Department, Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University)
Title: Modeling Multichannel Supply Chain Competition with Marketing Mixes
Prof. Shih-Fen CHENG (School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University)
Title: Applied Game Theory: An Introduction for Business and Engineering Applications
Prof. Hsiao-Hui Lee (Faculty of Business and Economics, the University of Hong Kong)
Topic 1: Supply chain management using game theoretical models
Topic 2: Supply chain management using empirical models

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